Saturday, 21 April 2012

Mistaken Identity

You think that you are this body, which you are flowing through. Yet, you simply have this body and you mistake it to be who you are. However, it is not! You also think that you are this mind, which flows through this body. Yet, you just have this mind and you mistake it to be who you are. Here again, it is not.
This belief that you are this mind-body is the only thing that you have ever suffered and are continuing to suffer. You suffer this because you have not yet seen the need to consciously focus your attention on the present, on a momentary basis. Unfortunately, you will persist in mistaking yourself to be the body that you are flowing through in every moment that your full attention is not given to what is simply right here before you. You will automatically gravitate to the ‘no conscious attention’ state as it is so familiar to you. Here, you are asleep and you accept this as part of your normal daily living.
This sleep-walking through life enables you to make yourself as comfortable as possible in circumstances gripped with pain and suffering (with occasional and much sought-after moments of pleasure), which you find yourself in. Fortunately for you, you do not see what you are constantly closing the door on; the love and light of your heart. You settle for what your mind tells you about it, instead.

Simple Realisation of Your True Nature

To realise this ‘one’ that you are requires a mind-body (a vehicle, a person, an individuation) to realise it through. You, as your heart, created this vehicle through which you can realise your true nature.
You; your true nature, is already right here and seeing through the eyes of this mind-body that you mistake yourself to be. When you energetically find and stop at and as this ‘one’, which is seeing through your eyes, you will come to rest as who you are. Here, you are deeply at rest and abide as and in the obviousness of your true nature. Here, you also no longer mistake yourself to be something that you are not.
Who you are is already right here. You can actually be who you truly are right now, immediately. It is an entirely different motion to the one that you are currently playing out. You can stop suffering the nightmare of the mind-informancy of this mind-body, in this very moment. You can do this by simply giving all of your attention to this present moment and seeing everything, just as it is.
As you have been trying to be something that you are not and you have been doing this for a very long time, this activity has a lot of energy involved in it. Therefore, it will take some practice of ‘seeing’ and being who you are and only when this happens, this activity loses its momentum. There has been a huge investment of energy in trying to be something that you are not. As a result, it will not just suddenly stop because you have begun to see who you are. You will need to bring your attention back into this present moment, repeatedly.
This simplicity of bringing your attention into the moment is all it takes for you to be who you are. It is all it takes for anyone, teacher or not, to begin to live his/her true nature. Your mind-body is not you; it is the vehicle that enables you to give this attention and truly realise who you are.

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