Life is magical and mysterious, it is never mundane, the very idea that life is mundane is an illusion. Life is a feast, a celebration, a continuous discovery of wonderment. The wonderment of it is that it can be lived only in the present moment, never in the past or the future. You never live life, LIFE absolutely lives through you every moment. You are being breathed, you are being lived every moment, absolutely. And you can notice it only when you dissolve the 'You' in life and allow yourself to be absorbed by it. In every moment of life there is a birth and a death, if you are afraid of death then you can never know life. There is nothing called 'time' in life, the concept of 'time' creates fear. Life happens only in the Present moment. Hence, acknowledge the precious Gift of the Present moment. In this moment of life, there are no ideals, nothing to achieve, nowhere to go, no one to be; life just happens. Becoming busy with things to do and achieve from the mind, removes us from the magic of life, removes us from the very center of our being, and we lose ourselves in stress and fear. Life happens, and there is nothing that you or me could do to change that. So let us allow life to happen. We do not even know what is best for ourselves or anyone else, so why bring the stress and obsession of controlling life into our hands. Let us welcome things as they come and go. Let us live now, here, and notice each breath, each heartbeat, each moment as it rises and falls anew every time. The noticing brings to us the realization that we never left the Original Oneness, and that we were never born and so can never die.
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