Sunday, 5 May 2013

Enjoying thr mind

Step 1: Let the Mind Do Its Thing
Don’t try to stop [the mind]. It is very natural to you; you will go crazy if you try to stop it.

It will be like a tree trying to stop its leaves; the tree will go mad.

The leaves are very natural to it. You are a mind person. If you try to become a heart person you will create so much trouble for yourself, and unnecessarily, because there is a way which goes from the mind itself. There is no need to change yourself into a heart person. That will be against your intrinsic nature.

To be utterly in tune with your nature, to follow your nature, always listen. To be natural is to be religious, and to be utterly in tune with your nature is all that is needed. So the first thing: don’t try to stop your thinking; it’s perfectly good. 

Step 2: Enjoy the Mind Doing Its Thing!
Just not stopping [the mind] will not be enough — enjoy it. Play with it! It is a beautiful game. Playing with it, enjoying it, welcoming it, you will start becoming more alert about it, more aware of it.

Start enjoying the thought process. Just see the nuances of thoughts: how they run together, how one thing leads to another, how they get hooked with each other. It is really a miracle to watch. Just a small thought can take you to the farthest end, and if you look you don’t see any connection.

A dog starts barking and your thought process is triggered. The dog is forgotten; you remember a friend who had a beautiful dog. Now you are off! Then the friend is forgotten; you remember the friend’s wife who is beautiful, and so you go on, and then other women.… Where you will end, nobody knows; and it all started with a dog barking! Just watch and see the association of thought — how thoughts are linked, chained together. 

Go on easily, take it easy. Awareness will come to you but it will come indirectly. It will not be an effort to become aware. That’s what you have been doing: you are trying to become aware. Then the mind distracts you and you become angry at it. You feel that this is an ugly mind and it is constantly chattering; you want to be silent and it doesn’t allow you. So you start feeling inimical towards the mind. That’s not good; that is dividing yourself into two. Then you and the mind become two and conflict and friction starts.

All friction is suicidal because it is your energy being wasted unnecessarily. We don’t have that much energy to waste in fighting with ourselves. The same energy has to be used in joy.

To fight is to destroy yourself. There is no need to fight — love! All fighting energy has to be transformed into love energy. Just enjoy it, and soon things will start changing.

Osho, Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing

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