Saturday, 27 August 2016

As long as you believe you are the body-mind phenomena
you're going to have problems.
You may feel justified in having problems.
You may feel it's not your fault.
You may feel it's karmic.
You may feel all kinds of things,
but as long as you believe or you feel the body-mind,
you will have problems,
because this is the kind of world in which we live -
a world that doesn't exist, seems real to most of us.
And if we believe we are the body-mind
then we believe the world is real and
we believe we have to pray to God for solutions.
We do all these things and we still suffer.
And suffering will only stop,
not when God answers your prayers,
but when you awaken to the truth of your own being.
Then you’re born again, so-to-speak, in a new reality and all is well.

Robert Adams

Friday, 19 August 2016

You do not have to go through any rituals.
You simply have to make the mind quiescent.
‘Quiet the mind’ totally and completely.
This should be your goal.
You should remember this always.
By saying,
'All I have to do to awaken is to quiet my mind.
That’s it!'
There is nothing else you have to do.

Robert Adams

No matter how many times I tell you this, you’re still thinking, thinking, judging, judging, coming to conclusions, trying to work out your life. You have to let go. Totally, absolutely, completely.

Robert Adams

Thursday, 11 August 2016

You, You only, exist.
We pass away, till at last,
our passing is so immense
that You arise: beautiful moment,
in all Your suddenness,
arising in love, or enchanted
in the contraction of work.

To You I belong, however time may
wear me away. From You to You
I go commanded. In between
the garland is hanging in chance; but if You
take it up and up and up: look:
all becomes a festival!

Rainer Maria Rilke

How long will you keep pounding on an open door begging for someone to open it?
Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya


When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,
and when we escape like squirrels turning in the
cages of our personality
and get into the forests again,
we shall shiver with cold and fright
but things will happen to us
so that we don't know ourselves.
Cool, unlying life will rush in,
and passion will make our bodies taut with power,
we shall stamp our feet with new power
and old things will fall down,
we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like
burnt paper.

D.H. Lawrence

Saturday, 6 August 2016

They made us believe that real love, the one that’s strong, only happens once, more likely before your 30s. They never told us that love is not something that you can put in motion, neither has time schedule.
They made us believe that each one of us is the half of an orange, and that life only makes sense when you find that other half. THEY DID NOT TELL US THAT WE WERE BORN AS WHOLE, and that no-one in our lives deserve to carry on his back such responsibility of completing what is missing on us: we grow through life by ourselves. If we have a good company it’s just more pleasant.
They made us believe in a formula “two in one”: two people sharing the same line of thinking, same ideas, and that it is what works. It’s never been told that it has another name: invalidation. Only two individuals with their own personality is how you can have a healthy relationship. It has been made to believe that marriage is an obliged institution and that fantasies out of hour should be repressed. 
They made us believe that there’s one way formula to be happy, the same one to everybody, and the ones that escape from that are condemned to be delinquents. We have never been told that those formulas go wrong, they get people frustrated, they are alienating, and that we can try other alternatives.

Oh! Also they did not tell us that no one will tell us these things. Each and every one of us will have to learn by ourselves. And, when we get to the point that you are in love with yourself first, that’s when you can fall in love with somebody…

John Lennon