Saturday, 27 August 2016

As long as you believe you are the body-mind phenomena
you're going to have problems.
You may feel justified in having problems.
You may feel it's not your fault.
You may feel it's karmic.
You may feel all kinds of things,
but as long as you believe or you feel the body-mind,
you will have problems,
because this is the kind of world in which we live -
a world that doesn't exist, seems real to most of us.
And if we believe we are the body-mind
then we believe the world is real and
we believe we have to pray to God for solutions.
We do all these things and we still suffer.
And suffering will only stop,
not when God answers your prayers,
but when you awaken to the truth of your own being.
Then you’re born again, so-to-speak, in a new reality and all is well.

Robert Adams


  1. Yes! We are the creators and everything is in our own hands! We are part of the energy, which fills the whole universe. Knowing everything belongs together and affects each other, gives you the power to create your environment. Because everything is interconnected you can learn to see the future, if you learn to watch things intently. Best example for that is astrology, which can predict the future by watching the stellar constellation. I really love reading my horoscope on, it often perfectly fits to what is happening in my life. Thank you so much for remebering everyone with this post, that the future is in our hands! :)

