Our body is a separate entity, it is not who we are, it is a beautiful priceless tool and a wonderful partner with us on this material plane. It has feelings and it is very very human. Kindness towards our body is very important, every cell of the body is a universe of wisdom . It is true that we all are ascending but our body also comes along with the ascension, because it is with the body that we are going to ground our Spirituality. If we forget to provide sufficiently for the body's needs, we fail to reach the level of compassion for ourself and for others. We need to really help our body to connect with the earth and manifest itself outwardly in a satisfying job, a stable loving human relationship, and material abundance. The worldly job is not mundane; this is the place where we can shine our light, where we can find people, and where people can find us.
Human relationship is the only way through which we evolve as souls; only with normal relationships of the earth can we connect our body and fully anchor our spirituality. Many of us think that money binds us to the lower essence, no it is the one that brings comfort to the earthly body, and only when the body is satisfied and the emotional body healed can the spiritual energy be really anchored in the physical reality! Getting ourselves balanced is very necessary for our Spiritual evolvement. Our body says I must work on this human job, our soul says I want to finish the job I came here to do, and hence there is always a conflict with the body and the soul. It is always wise to provide the comfort of rest and nourishment for the body so that it may blend with the soul and help the soul to fulfill its purpose. The union of body and soul is the holy experience of being the light that we are. All that is on the earth is a manifestation of Mother Earth, and we have come for balance, our acceptance of earthly life will bring healing because as pure souls we know how to bring compassion and non-judgment. When there is non-judgment there is no more dark, everything is a cycle of joyous becoming. For we already know that the light absorbs darkness, there is never a case where light was absorbed by the dark. The true work of Christ is to embrace both the light and dark (earthly joy and heavenly joy), which is pure compassion and transformation in itself. Yes, we have come here to live a wonderful life. As we become kind and loving to our body, our body will work with us to provide all that we need at this time.
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