Saturday, 21 January 2012

Living As Your True Divine Nature

Are you living as your true nature in your everyday life with natural ease?

All that is required for you to live the freedom of your divinity is to again become familiar with returning back to your true nature; being it and sinking deeply into living as it. Now you can and all with complete simplicity.
Then, through living as your true nature you will see, not mentally but through your own direct experience, that your true divine nature is always here at all times, in all situations and life circumstances and at no time is it ever possible to lose or leave it. Deep insights into what is involved in living as your true nature will also be noticed by you in a very short time. Then it will become natural to simply stay right here. This is not some stale old chore which you have got to 'do'. It is also not a way to get somewhere or something. It is simply uncovering your truly natural state, which is already perfect, and living as this One. Through resting here as your heart, your insights into how life really works will naturally undermine the foundation of life as you customarily know it. Then large cracks will begin to form in the package of the person which you know as me, myself, I. Through these cracks more of your true nature will be seen and chunks of false beliefs, concepts, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and general mind informed movements will fall away in a very short space of time. Poetically speaking, the motion is drawing your true nature through the personality package to the point where it takes over and lives itself. The limitation of the personality is then transcended and it is free to fall away. The time scale will be dramatically reduced for you to stabilise as your true nature, if you set your heart to it and start today.

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