Don't take limited perceptions or beliefs personally, as you are much more than the mere accumulation of such perceptions or beliefs. You are potential perfection made manifest in a beautiful and unique way... an expression that becomes real as this potential touches the core of your being — your heart.
When someone is perceived as having a negative attitude towards you, or your identity, or your dreams, be aware that it often has absolutely nothing to do with you! On the contrary, it's usually their own issue — often a reflection of their own inner unhappiness. Just let these negative comments go and come home to your heart where potential is made much more powerful by the remembrance of the light that shines within you and everyone.
No matter what others may say, you are ultimately a potential waiting to become manifest in this reality we call life. It's a beautiful reality and very much at the core of your thoughts and inner dreams.
Remember, when the mundane mind, or its equivalent in your experience with people around you, starts to make you feel bad or disturbs your equilibrium, you — the real in you — has the wisdom to change such before you become a victim of the illusions that I call the maya or monkey mind and hence, caught in the power of the confusion, rather than being at home, where the joy of freedom is felt as an ocean of bliss — the heart.
Tony Samara
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