Friday, 22 February 2013

Nectar of meditation

Osho – The moment one tastes the nectar of meditation all darkness disappears, all misery disappears, all beggarliness disappears. One becomes a prince, a princess, because one enters into the kingdom of god. In fact one becomes a god. But meditation is the alchemy, the whole secret is in meditation.
These are the two possibilities: one is mind, the other is meditation. Mind keeps you attached to the world, to things, to the visible, to the ordinary, to the mundane. Meditation opens the doors for the invisible, for the sacred. Mind is tethered with the non-essential and meditation gives you the essential. The distance is vast in a sense — it is the biggest distance possible — but in another sense it can happen in a single moment or even in a split second because it is only a question of understanding the point.
Meditation means knowing that you are not the mind, becoming aware that mind is separate from you; you are awareness of the mind, and awareness of the mind is not mind, cannot be. Mind is an object and you are subjectivity. You can see your mind functioning — thought coming and going. It is just like a road, and the traffic goes on and on and people are passing — memories, faces, dreams, thoughts, desires. It is a queue, a continuous queue, non-ending; day in, day out it continues. But you can become aware of it.
Ordinarily we are not aware of it; that’s what is known as metaphysical sleep. The moment you become aware of the traffic of the mind the metaphysical sleep is broken, you are awake for the first time. Knowing that mind is separate is enough to bring the revolution. The moment it becomes your own experience that you are not the mind, you have entered into the kingdom of god.
So in a sense the distance is vast, in a sense there is no distance; just a single insight is enough and like a blow of a sword one is cut away from the mind; the identity with the mind is dropped. Then mind remains; you can use it whenever you want and you can turn it off whenever you want. On or off — it depends on you. Mind is no more your master. Ordinarily it is the master and you are the slave. Meditation makes you the master and mind starts functioning as a slave. And as a slave mind is beautiful, as a master it is very dangerous.

Source – Osho Book “Just the Tip”

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