Sunday, 3 February 2013

Osho guidance on Kundalini Meditation

Osho guidance on Kundalini Meditation

Osho - So whatsoever you are doing willfully will be the barrier. In my meditations here, do them, but not willfully. Don't force them; rather, let them happen. Float in them, abandon yourself in them. Be absorbed, but not willfully. Don't manipulate, because when you manipulate you are divided, you become two: the manipulator and the manipulated. Once you are two, heaven and hell are created immediately; then there is vast distance between you and the truth. Don't manipulate, allow things to happen.

If you are doing the kundalini meditation, allow the shaking -- don't DO it! Stand silently, feel it coming, and when your body starts a little trembling, help it, but don't DO it! Enjoy it, feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don't WILL it.

If you force, it will become an exercise, a bodily physical exercise. Then the shaking will be there, but just on the surface. It will not penetrate you. You will remain solid, stonelike, rocklike within. You will remain the manipulator, the door, and the body will only be following. The body is not the question, YOU are the question.

When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rocklike being should shake to the very foundations, so it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rocklike being becomes liquid your body will follow. Then there is no shaker, only shaking; then nobody is doing it, it is simply happening. Then the doer is not.

Enjoy it, but don't will it. And remember, whenever you will a thing you cannot enjoy it. They are reverse, opposites; they never meet. If you will a thing you cannot enjoy it, If you enjoy it you cannot will it.
For example, you can will your love. You can do it according to the manuals, but then you will not enjoy it. If you enjoy it you will have to throw all manuals, all Kinseys and Masters and Johnsons -- you have to throw them all. You have to forget completely about all that you have learned about love. In the beginning you will be at a loss, because there are no guidelines, no maps. How to start?

Just wait... and let your inner energy move, and follow that energy wherever it leads. It may take a little time, but when love comes it overtakes you. You are no more there. Love is there but there is no lover. Love happens as an energy, but it has no ego within it. Then it is tremendous, then it is a great release. And then love becomes an ecstasy, and you know something that has been known to those who have come to the divine. You know a fragment of it, a drop of the ocean. You know a ray -- and then the taste comes to you.

Meditation, God, enlightenment, nirvana, they all came into being through love, because through love a glimpse was achieved. And when the glimpse was there, daring souls went on an adventure to find the source from where this glimpse comes. Through love, God has been discovered. That's why Jesus goes on saying... whenever somebody asks, "What is God?" he says, "God is love," because through love the first glimpse comes.

But the process is the same: you cannot will love. If you will, the whole beauty is lost, the whole thing becomes mechanical. You go through the whole ritual, but nothing happens. There is no ecstasy -- it is something to be done and be finished. It never reaches to your center, it never shakes your foundations, it never becomes an inner dance. It is not a throbbing of your being, it is just an act on the periphery.

Remember, love cannot be willed, and neither can meditation. Throw all knowledge, because knowledge is needed only when you have to do something. When you don't have to do anything, what knowledge is needed? You don't need any knowledge. You need just to have a feel, a knack -- how to drop, how not to be. And when I say 'how' I don't mean technically, when I say 'how' I don't mean that you have to know a technique. You have simply to search for it.

Two things I will suggest which will be helpful. One is sleep: try to find out how sleep happens, how you fall into sleep. You may have a ritual but that ritual is not creating sleep, it helps. Everybody has a ritual. Small children have their rituals, a particular posture. Every child has his own posture. He may take his thumb in his mouth... It does not give you sleep, but it helps for that child -- he has found his own ritual. If YOU follow that child you will not fall into sleep.

And the same is the case with all techniques of meditation -- everybody finds his own ritual. It helps because it gives you a climate. You put off the light, you have a certain incense burning in the room, you have a certain type of pillow, a certain height, softness. You have a certain type of rug, you have a certain posture. This all helps, but this is not a cause of it. If somebody else follows it, this may become the hindrance. One has to find one's own ritual.

A ritual is simply to help you to be at ease and wait. And when you are at ease and waiting, the thing happens. Just like sleep comes God to you, just like love comes God to you. You cannot will it, you cannot force it. And your whole life has become a problem because you have learned too much how to do things. You have become very efficient in mechanical things because they can be done, but you have become absolutely inefficient in human things, because they cannot be learned and they cannot be technically done; you cannot become efficiency experts in them.

Whenever there is a mechanical thing to do there can be a training place for it, but consciousness cannot be trained. And you go after gurus, this and that, to find some technique, some mantra, so that you become enlightened... There is no mantra which can make you enlightened. This is the mantra: Sosan says that you will have to become more understanding -- less will, more let-go; less effort, more effortlessness; less doing of the conscious, more swimming in the unconscious.

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