Friday, 22 February 2013

Osho – Mind will create all kinds of distractions, disturbances

Meditation is the most valuable ruby, a diamond, the most precious treasure. There is nothing compared to meditation. If you can know how to be meditative, the inner scripture becomes available to you. Everybody’s life contains a scripture, a bible. The outside bible is not the real bible. The word “bible” means the book of the books. It is not the book of books, the book of books is within you; it cannot be outside.
The outside bible may have a few reflections of the inner, but they are only reflections. The moon reflected in the waters of the lake is not the real moon — don’t be deceived by it. Although it is a reflection of the real moon, so it has a certain resemblance to reality, don’t be deceived by it and don’t jump into the lake to find it, otherwise you may get drowned. And you are not going to find the moon in the lake; you will get into unnecessary trouble.
People have jumped into lakes. Into the Bibles, into the Vedas, into the Gitas, into the Korans, they have jumped. These are just lakes, beautiful lakes, certainly, and capable of reflecting something of the real. But a reflection is a reflection. The face in the mirror is not your real face. Don’t go on searching in the mirror for your real face. You will not find it there — the mirror is empty. So is the lake, so are all the scriptures — empty. They are beautiful words but empty.
Unless you find the inner scripture that is within you, you will not be able to understand the outer Bibles, Korans and Vedas. Once you have found the inner then there is a possibility; then doors open up, then suddenly there is a great opening. Whatsoever was closed and hidden becomes available, slowly the curtain is removed. You can see that which is. And once you have found it inside you will find it in the words of Jesus, in the words of Buddha, very easily.
The man who knows the real moon is bound to know the moon in the lake. He will understand and he may even rejoice because he is not deceived; he knows perfectly well it is a reflection but a beautiful reflection. Sometimes when the lake is utterly calm and quiet, when there is no disturbance on its surface, it becomes a mirror of tremendous beauty. One can enjoy the scriptures, but not before realizing the inner truth.
So I call meditation, the greatest treasure, the most precious ruby. If you have found it you have found all. So while you are here put all your energy into understanding matters of meditation. Find out the method that fits you, that you feel attuned with, that suddenly starts ringing bells in your heart. And then go on moving deeper and deeper into it. And be patient.
Mind will create all kinds of distractions, disturbances — don’t be worried, they are natural. But if you go on persisting, if you go on patiently digging inwards, sooner or later — if your intensity is enough, if you are totally and passionately involved in meditation, it will be sooner rather than later — the mind disappears. And the day the mind disappears and you are left without a mind, for the first time you know what it is to be. The beatitude of it, the benediction of it, the ecstasy of it, is simply incomprehensible; it cannot be communicated. One has to experience it — there is no other way.
My effort here is to make every possible method available so nobody misses, so everybody can find the right method for himself. All the methods that have been tried, all the methods that have helped individuals to attain are available here. It is something rare, something that has never happened in the whole of history. Buddhists know only one method, Sufis know only one method, Christians know only one method, Hindus know only one method and here, all methods are available. This is a meeting place of all the great masters. A great merger is happening, a great synthesis is arising.
So put your whole energy into finding out which method suits you. Once you know, that one method simply goes deep in you without any effort, you have found the right track for you. And then god is not far away; it is just around the corner.

Source – Osho Book “Just The Tip”

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