I don’t think of the morrow at all, of what will happen tomorrow. People who will be here tomorrow –they will think about it. This moment is enough for me. And this is the only moment we can live, you cannot live in the future. Don’t waste your time on it.
And don’t be worried about mankind: you will never meet anywhere any mankind or humanity; all that you will meet will be human beings. Humanity is an abstraction; non-existential; just a word. Don’t be bothered about it. You have a small life span; you will be living with human beings; just see how you can live so you can be fulfilled. Whether in the future there will be wars or not, who are we to decide? And why should we bother?
But there are utopians who go on thinking about the future. They miss their lives in thinking about the future. And that future never comes. The word utopia means: that which never comes. Go on thinking about it: a world without wars, without famine, without poverty, but what is the point? – you are dreaming! Rather, be more realistic. Create a human being inside you who has no warring tendencies, no conflicting tendencies, no violence, no aggression; that’s all that can be done. That is feasible.
Create a human being within, don’t think about human kind. How can you manage that? That is not possible. Leave all that to foolish politicians. They will think about it.
You can do something for the human being that you are. Drop all conflicting tendencies: violence, aggression, fear – be loving, prayerful, meditative. Create at least one human being as you would like the whole humanity to be. At least create a model within you so that your fragrance spreads and gives a vision to people that this too is possible, that man IS divine. Love more. Delight more, celebrate more, dance more, sing more: that’s all that you can do. Leave a dream around you – actualized. If somebody loves it, he may follow. I cannot say that the whole humanity will follow – it is such a vast thing.And there is no need of that because your happiness may not be others’ happiness. Your singing
may be just noise for somebody else. Your dance may be nothing but a nuisance. So who is to decide? Don’t take the responsibility that you will decide for the whole – no.
You drop out of these roles of decider. You are not the decider. You simply live your life in the small corner that you have got. Whatsoever you can do for yourself, DO IT. And if somebody feels good, attracted, magnetized – help him, but out of love, not out of any missionary spirit. That is poison.
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