Osho : Devageet, the reality is just the opposite.
All our tangles in life are created by our unconsciousness, so the
moment you become conscious those tangles disappear. It is not the power
of consciousness that makes them disappear. It is the power of
unconsciousness that creates them.
All the tangles of life, of love, of relationship are created by our
unconsciousness. We don’t know what we are doing, and by the time we
become aware it is too late. What has been done cannot be undone. Our
unconsciousness is very supportive to the ego — they have a
co-existence. Coming of consciousness will not only disperse all the
tangles, it will also disperse you as an ego. It is a very complicated
and complex phenomenon.
In your unconsciousness you do something. It is almost certain that
once you have done something wrong that has created misery in you,
around you, you will come to your senses. But you cannot undo it because
the ego comes in between. You cannot even say, “I am sorry.” Just a
simple apology may disperse the tangle but the ego won’t allow even
that. And you are almost a victim; you are not doing things. Your
unconsciousness, your unawareness goes on forcing you to do things.
Just last night I answered Prem Shunyo’s question very lightly and
very lovingly and very joyously. I joked about it, but she was pissed
off — I could see her face. Milarepa was angry. You don’t know what you
are doing. What you are doing is almost beyond your hands; you are
reacting. If Prem Shunyo had heard what I was saying… I was simply
saying, “Don’t take it seriously.” I was laughing about it, but she
could not laugh. You all laughed because it was not your problem. The
more you laughed the more you made her serious.
In each person’s life the time of change comes. And one of the
greatest things to remember is that when you change a certain pattern of
life, you have to change naturally. It is not in your hands. Biology
makes you capable of sex at the age of thirteen or fourteen; it is not
your doing.
At a certain age, as you are coming closer to forty or forty-two, the
biology’s purpose is finished. All those hormones that have been
propelling you are disappearing. To accept this change is very
difficult. You suddenly start thinking as if you are no longer
beautiful, that you need a face-lift.
I have heard about a woman who was saying to the plastic surgeon, “I need a face-lift.”
The surgeon looked at her and he said, “There is nothing wrong; it is
just age. Don’t be worried about it. Why unnecessarily go to the
trouble? But the woman was insistent, so the doctor said, “Okay, but it
will cost five thousand dollars.”
The woman said, “That much money I don’t have. Can’t you suggest something cheaper?”
The doctor said, “Yes. You can purchase a veil.”
It is one of the Western problems. In the East no woman is worried.
Things are accepted as they come. Acceptance has been the basic
foundation of Eastern life. The West is continuously imposing on nature,
demanding how things should be. Nobody wants to become old, so when the
time of transition from one stage of life comes, a very strange
phenomenon happens — and that is what is happening to Shunyo. I did not
say it because I did not want to hurt her.
It is going to happen whether I say anything about it or not, just as
a candle comes to the very end, has only a few seconds more before it
will be gone. At the last moment the candle suddenly becomes bigger with
all its power. Nobody wants to go.
It is a well-known fact to medical science that people at the time of
death suddenly become completely healthy; all their diseases disappear.
This is the last effort of their life — to resist death. The people who
are related to them feel very happy that suddenly all diseases have
disappeared. The person has become calm and quiet, but they don’t know
that it signifies death. The diseases have disappeared because their
function is fulfilled: they have killed the man. Now it is the last
spurt of life.
The same happens with every biological change in life. When sex is
becoming irrelevant, you start thinking of sex more than ever, and
suddenly a great spurt… That is what is giving her the idea that it
seems she is sexually repressed — because so much sexuality is suddenly
overwhelming the mind.
The mind can only understand logically, rationally one thing: from
where is this sexuality coming? — it must be coming from the repressed
unconscious. That is what Sigmund Freud and their followers have been
teaching to the whole world. They are right on many points; they are
wrong on many points. Particularly about this point, the transition when
you are no longer young and the hormones in you are going to disappear,
and the interest in sex is going to die — before dying it will explode
with its full force.
If you go to a psychoanalyst, he will say that you are sexually
repressed. I cannot say that, because I know that this sudden
overwhelming sexuality will be gone by itself, you don’t have to do
anything. It is the signal that life is passing through a change. Now,
life will be more calm and more quiet. You are really entering into a
better state.
Sex is a little childish. As you become more and more mature, sex
loses the grip over you — and it is a good sign. It is something to be
happy about; it is not a problem to be solved. It is something to
In the East no woman ever feels the trouble of the transition from
youth to old age. In fact, she feels immensely happy that now that old
demon is gone and life can be more peaceful. But the West has been
living under many illusions. One is the illusion that there is only one
life. That creates immense trouble. If there is only one life and sex is
disappearing, so you are finished. Now, there is no more opportunity;
there will not be any more excitement in life. Nobody is going to say,
“You are beautiful and I love you and I will love you forever.”
So first, the illusion of one life creates a problem. Second, the
psychoanalysts and other therapists have created another illusion that
sex is almost synonymous to life. The more sexual you are, the more
alive you are. So when sex starts disappearing one starts feeling like a
used cartridge: now there is no point to live; life ends with sex
ending. Then people try all kinds of bizarre things: face lift, plastic
surgery, false breasts. It is stupid, simply stupid. People start trying
wigs; they start trying dresses which are sex-provoking. Almost all
Western women are starving — they call it dieting! The idea in the West
is that a woman is beautiful if she is not fat. And nature has some
other idea: the woman has to be a little fat because for nature the
woman is a mother. A mother needs extra fat for the child, because when
the child is in her womb he will need food. And when the child is in the
womb, the mother starts feeling nausea; she cannot eat, she starts
throwing up. She needs emergency fat in her body so she can feed the
child because the child needs food; he is growing fast.
Science says that in the nine months in the mother’s womb, a child
grows so fast that he will never grow so fast again in his seventy
years. In nine months he passes through almost the whole evolution of
man, from the fish… all the stages. His requirements have to be
fulfilled by the mother — And she cannot eat… you can imagine. It is
troublesome to have a child in your belly. I don’t think any man is
ready to be pregnant: he will commit suicide; without any doubt he will
jump from a fifty-storey building, “I am finished… pregnant…?”
Just think, the idea that you have a child in the belly, and you will
go crazy. But how to get rid of it… The mother goes through immense
suffering, great sacrifice; hence, in the East we have not created the
idea of a skinny woman. Of course, the skinny woman looks more sexually
attractive, younger. The fat woman looks less sexually interesting,
because she loses proportions. Her waist is no longer very small. Her
body has gathered so much fat that nobody will feel attracted towards
her. She does not have the necessary attraction for the human mind.
The East has accepted that a woman has to be a little more fat than a man, a little more rounded.
Just the other day somebody brought me a book of pictures taken by one
famous photographer and on the front page was Sophia Loren. In the East
she cannot be conceived of as very beautiful: she must be dieting — and
dieting is nothing but the rich man’s idea of starvation.
The poor people starve by themselves. The rich people starve in a
costly way under professional guidance. The fear that you will not be
attractive, that you will no longer be looked at by people… You will
pass through the street and nobody will look at you; who is going…?
It is a great need of man, and particularly women, to have attention —
attention is nourishment. A woman suffers immensely when nobody pays
attention to her. She has nothing else to attract people by; she has
only her body. Man has not allowed her to have other dimensions where
she can become a famous painter, a dancer or a singer, a learned
professor. Man has cut all other dimensions from the woman’s life where
she can be attractive and people will pay respect even while she becomes
I have to remind you of the meaning of `respect’: it means looking
back. When somebody passes by: re-spect. It has nothing to do with
honor; it has something to do with your being suddenly aware that a
beautiful thing has passed.
Woman is left only the body by man, so she is so much concerned with
the body that it creates clinging, possessiveness, fear that the person
who loves her, if he leaves, perhaps will find another person. And
without attention she starts feeling almost dead: What is the use of
life if nobody is paying attention to you? She does not have an
intrinsic life of her own.
Man has taught woman that her life depends on others’ opinions about
her. You can see all over the world that beauty competitions are
arranged only for women, and the woman does not even revolt against
these ideas. Why not for men? Just as you choose a Mrs. or Miss
Universe, choose a Mr. Universe. No, nobody bothers about the man’s
body. He can grow fat; he can become a Winston Churchill. Still he
attracts attention because he has power.
In the same book just beside Sophia Loren is Winston Churchill —
ugly, as fat as you can conceive, the whole face sagging. He needs a
face-lift — not Sophia Loren — but he will not bother; there is no need.
He can have power, he can be the prime minister. He can be this and he
can be that…
Man has managed over the centuries to have all the other dimensions
of attracting people, and he has left to woman only one dimension: her
body. He has made woman just a vegetable. And naturally, the vegetable
starts being worried if there are no customers.
It is not a coincidence that in the most sexually perverted country,
France, while being in love with a woman, you say, “I want to eat you.”
Are these people cannibals? Is the woman a vegetable or what? “I want to
eat you” shows a great respect for the woman! When nobody says to her,
“I want to eat you,” she thinks, “I am now finished. Life has come to an
But here with me you have to learn something. The first thing is a
deep acceptability of all the changes that nature brings to you. Youth
has its own beauty; old age has its own beauty too. It may not be
sexual, but if a man has lived silently, peacefully, meditatively, then
old age will have a grandeur of its own.
Just as the snow-covered peaks look beautiful, the white hairs of old
age also have their own beauty — and not only beauty, but wisdom too,
which no young man can claim, because all his behavior is stupid. He is
running behind this woman, running behind that woman.
The old man has stopped all this running business. He has settled in
himself. He is no longer dependent on anybody else. The old woman should
follow the same way. There should be no difference between men and
women. That is why I was simply laughing and joking about Prem Shunyo’s
question because I did not want her to become serious about something
which is natural. And if Milarepa feels angry, he simply proves what I
have been saying, that he is crazy.
Now he is running after younger women. This shows that you are not
maturing, not learning that what you call love is not love, but
biological slavery. Love happens only when you are beyond biological
slavery; then love has a beauty. Biological slavery and the biological
relationship are so ugly that for centuries people have decided to make
love in darkness without light, so they don’t see what they are doing.
Particularly the woman is very sensitive when you make love to her; she
immediately closes her eyes. Just to see this nasty thing that is
I have heard that when Henry Ford died he was received with a great
welcome in heaven and even God thanked him: “You have done great service
to humanity by creating so many cars — you are a great creator.”
Henry Ford said, “That’s okay, but you are not that great a creator.
You have put man’s body in such a stupid way that the loveliest part
people think about, dream about is so close to the dirtiest part. Could
you not find somewhere else in the whole body?
Why has love to be sandwiched between the ugliest parts? You don’t
have any sense, no aesthetics. The exhaust pipe is so close to the most
lovely part that I cannot believe that you are a great creator” — and he
was right.
God has committed many mistakes. This is one of the major mistakes.
The loving part could have been anywhere else: you have a
six-foot-long-body, so much territory! And what kind of a stupid god…
where he puts the loving parts?
Not only is it to be accepted when life is going through a biological
change, but it has to be rejoiced that you have passed over all that
stupidity, that now you are free from biological bondage; it is only a
question of conditioning.
When you ask me questions you should remember that I never in any way
want to hurt you. Even sometimes if I have to avoid the truth, I avoid
it but don’t hurt you. If you get hurt about something that must be your
own mind. But perhaps you are just a victim in that too — it is
Devageet, you are asking, “How is it that going into something
consciously has such a power to reveal all the threads which make up the
They have been made in your unconsciousness. They have been made in
the darkness of your being. And when you bring light, naturally you see
all the tangle: how you have created your misery, your suffering, your
anguish, yourself. Seeing it is enough — all those tangles disappear. A
conscious man never creates any tangle; he lives more intensely than
anybody else. But his life is without any tangles for the simple reason
that in consciousness you cannot create tangles.
Abbie’s wife had just died and he was standing over the grave and
sobbing uncontrollably. His best friend put his arm around him and said,
“Abbie, time is a wonderful thing. Believe it or not some day you will
want to start a new life again and be with people, maybe even get
married again. Listen to me: Time heals wounds.”
Abbie looked at him and replied, “I know, I know… but what am I going to do tonight?”
Such is the unconsciousness of man. The wife died in the morning and
he is worried about what he is going to do in the night — tonight! And
you are talking about time: that some day wounds will be healed. What
about tonight?
I have heard an ancient story, Arabic, that a man’s father died and
all the old people of the neighborhood came and said, “Don’t be worried,
son. If you have lost your father, we are here. Don’t think for a
single moment that you are fatherless. We are all your fathers. You can
come always to us in any difficulty, any problem.” He was very much
consoled, seeing the concern of his neighborhood people. He had never
thought that they would be so considerate. And then his mother died and
all the old women came and said, “Don’t be worried. We are still alive.
You can look at us as your mother and whatever your mother was doing for
you, we can do. There is no problem about it.”
He was very much consoled. And then his wife died, and not a single
wife from the neighborhood came to say don’t be worried we are here.
Whatever your wife was doing, we will do…! The man was very angry. He
stood in front of his house, watching if anybody would come or not — and
nobody came. Finally, he started shouting, “You nasty people. When my
father died all the old people came. When my mother died all the old
women came. And now my wife has died and no young woman is coming — what
kind of neighborhood is this? “… absurd, illogical! I am waiting from
the morning for somebody to turn up, but nobody has come.”
One has to accept life. But your unconsciousness does not allow you to accept life as it is. You wanted something else.
It is perfectly good when sex disappears. You will be more capable of
meditating. You will be more capable of being alone. You will be more
capable of being blissful, without any misery because the whole game of
sex is nothing but a long misery — fighting, hate, jealousy, envy. It is
not a peaceful life. It is peace, silence, blissfulness, aloneness,
freedom which give you the real taste of what life is.
Two women are talking in a tearoom at four o’clock over two large,
gooey ice cream sundaes and little sugary cakes. They have not seen each
other since high school days and one is bragging about her very
advantageous marriage.
“My husband buys me whole new sets of diamonds when the ones I have get
dirty,” she says, “and I have never even bothered to clean them.”
“Fantastic,” said the other woman.
“Yes,” says the first, “we get a new car every two months.”
“Fantastic,” says the other.
“And our house…” pursues the first woman, “Well, what is the use of talking about it, it is just…”
“Fantastic,” finishes the other.
“Yes, and tell me, what are you doing nowadays?” asked the first woman.
“I go to the charm school,” says the other.
“Charm school! Why, how quaint. What do you learn there?”
“Well, we learn to say, fantastic, instead of bullshit.”
In your unconsciousness everything is bullshit. And when you become
conscious, it is really fantastic: all tangles disappear, all problems
disappear. But you need not go to a charm school to learn it, because in
a charm school deep down the woman is saying, “Bullshit.”
And she is just repeating like a parrot, “Fantastic,” but she means
bullshit. Not in a charm school, but in a school where your
unconsciousness slowly, slowly disappears leaving a luminous being
within you — then there is no tangle in life.
I have lived a very strange life. Anybody else would have found so
many tangles in it, so many troubles. I have also passed through all
kinds of tangles, troubles, problems, but I have remained unscratched; I
have enjoyed the journey. Whatever life brought to me, I have enjoyed
it. I have tried to make the best out of it, whatever it is.
There is no point in crying and weeping over spilled milk. Any
situation can be made a learning, a step towards maturity, can be turned
into a beneficial opportunity. That is what I call intelligence;
otherwise, what is the difference between intelligent people and
unintelligent people.
Devageet, it is true consciousness has tremendous power, but it is
not used in revealing and dispersing the tangles of your life; they
simply disappear as you become conscious. Gautam Buddha used to say that
when the lights are on and from the windows people can see that the
master is awake, thieves don’t come close. When the lights are put off,
only then do thieves come close to the house to see whether the master
has gone to sleep and it is the right time to enter. He was saying this
about consciousness. He used to call sex, greed, lust for power,
position, respectability all thieves. They come to you only when they
see that there is no light in the man; inside it is all dark.
Once you are radiating consciousness and light, those thieves don’t
come close to you. But consciousness has its own power. It is simply in
the presence of consciousness that tangles disappear. The power is not
used for dispersing the tangles and problems; the power is to bring
blissfulness. The power is to bring peace, silence, at homeness, at
easeness and a tremendous ecstasy, a divine drunkenness.
Life becomes for the first time self-oriented; you don’t have to beg
from others for anything. Nobody can give you blissfulness; nobody can
give you ecstasy. Nobody can give you the sense of immortality and the
dance that comes with it. Nobody can give you the silence, which becomes
a song in your heart.
What can people give to you? In fact, the power of consciousness
gives you so much that you become capable of sharing with people. For
the first time, you can give to people. They are living in darkness;
they haven’t seen any light. They don’t have any idea what a conscious
being is. They don’t have any conception, comprehension of the power of
consciousness, how many flowers shower, how much fragrance becomes
natural to you. You can give, and you can give them a taste and you can
give them a direction, so they can also find the same power which is
dormant in them.
A conscious man awakened can help millions of people to move towards
the source of joy, real and authentic life, to pure love which knows
nothing of hate, which knows nothing of jealousy, which has nothing to
do with body and biology — which is just a spiritual communion, a
feeling of deep compassion for your innermost being.
Yes, the power of consciousness gives you many things. The treasure
is inexhaustible, but your problems and tangles that have been created
by unconsciousness — for them no power is needed, just the presence of
consciousness is enough.
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