Friday, 8 March 2013



Reality or the Divine is always kind, it is up to us to find this gift of kindness in every person and every situation, for no situation or person can exist without the Presence of the Divine.
I have been telling my mind data, "I am sorry", and "I love you", all day long today.
I am reminded of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian therapist who cured a co...mplete ward of criminally insane patients through a Hawaiian healing process called ho'oponopono, a shamanic practice of forgiveness native to Hawaii.
It explicitly encourages verbally forgiving one's own inner child and loving the self.
With the technique of ho’oponopono, Dr. Hew Len healed the patients without seeing any of them. He took each of the patient’s charts and looked within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he continued to work on himself, the patients were healed. The work he did on himself was to say the words “I am sorry” and “I love you” over and over again.
The simple technique of Ho’oponopono is to love the self and to forgive.
So as I am saying "I am sorry" and "I love you" to every data of my mind about people and situations, my soul brings to me this message, it says that reality/God is always kind, it is me who needs to take responsibility to find this gift of kindness in every person or situation in my space.
I realize that anything other than love feels like stress. I choose to live in love, and I tell my soul I choose to find and see this gift of kindness in every person and in every situation.
The entire world is our creation – everything we see, hear, and touch is our responsibility just because it is in our life. Thus, everything outside is a reflection of the world we have created on the inside. Anything good or bad exists because of us holding certain concepts in our mind stories. So the problem is not with the world outside, it is with the world inside, and to change that we must work on ourselves.
The Divine lovingly asks us to seek and find the Divine within every person and every situation. Let us choose to play this game of seeking, finding, and experiencing the good, the kind, and the beautiful gift of the Divine in every person and every situation in our space.
Start by simply telling all your mind data, "I am sorry", and "I love you" continuously. You will definitely experience the miraculous. I have experienced it and I know it to be true. Are you willing to play this game my friends?
~Premlatha Rajkumar

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