Monday, 4 March 2013

Osho Meditations - Being Telegraphic, Speak what is Essential

People keep on talking all the time, there is virtually no full stop in their life. If they don't find anybody with whom they can chit-chat then they will start chatting with themselves, internet friends, their pets or even with a wall.

Osho has suggested to talk only what is essential and thus save your energy for higher things in life. The seeker needs more energy than anybody else. We have to use every bit of energy in an intelligent way. This Osho meditation is called 'Being Telegraphic'.

Whenever we have to convey anything to someone then reflect 'is it really essential?. Instead of just thinking, it's better to watch the thoughts which come to surface. Whenever we have to say something then witness that thought or desire. If it is really essential then our consciousness will allow us to convey that message to the other person. Otherwise if it's just a gossip or a part of our mechanical habit of chit-chatting then our awareness will burn that habit over a period of time.

When we are speaking only what is essential then we may have to listen more to what other people have to say. So the second step in this meditation is to witness and see how much rubbish and useless talk most of us indulge in our daily living.

If this habit of talking the essential goes deep into us then sooner or later we will do only essential things in our life. Maybe many of the non essential things from our home, non essential relationships and contacts, many desires may just disappear from our life. This is the beauty of this meditation. It saves our energy from so many non-essential things which we are doing and the sad thing is that we are not even aware of these habits. As a meditator and seeker we can't afford to waste time in doing things which are not required.

A intellectual or a philosopher may say that nothing is non-essential. Everything is beautiful and has a place in life. But on a practical level, we should watch this habit of intellectualizing everything and thus missing meditation.

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