Monday 4 March 2013

How can we give and share more

“We love the earth and we want to protect the earth, we love human beings and when human beings are creative and inspired by divine intelligence, we love the outcome of such. This is the value that is neglected in today's world because people are caught up in other things and other things seem to be highlighted as more valuable in the media and in the discussions that we hear about on the radio, on TV and in the newspapers.

It’s not so much about real value, it's more about differences and conflict rather than cooperation and a sense of coming together and helping one another to find the truth in everything, not just as a spiritual tradition but also in science, in medicine, in art and I feel that is to do with a cultural shift that we have to seriously look at now.

Shifting our belief system from one of an individual based, ego driven, ‘let's get as much for ourselves’ perception, to one of ‘what can we give?’ How can we give and share more and add more value to what is already there rather than take out of that value and just keep it for ourselves. Most of us just don't know what real value is unless we are in a situation that makes us look at it in a black and white way

Most people just waste too much time.”

— Excerpt of an interview given by Tony Samara to Ed and Deb Shapiro

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