Sunday 3 March 2013


You are a Divine being. The Universe matches the consciousness that you hold on the inside; there are absolutely no mistakes. You are the Creator of your Reality!

The most important thing is to love yourself enough to practice your tools. Get out of negative places and hang around positive people. Stop watching commercials, negative TV serials and news. Instead, connect with nature, take a walk, sit under a tree, read a book, observe your breath, draw, watch funny movies and videos, or do anything that you enjoy to raise the level of peace and happiness inside you.

Every day, sit in silence with yourself, center yourself, and use a notebook for your Spiritual Practice. In the notebook, list all of the things you love about yourself. Keep adding to the list every day. Notice that your joy and excitement rise as you continue to write and think about all of the things you love about yourself. Claim it every day. Give this precious gift to yourself.

The list can be made like this:
I love myself.
I love my physical body.
I love my courage.
I love my humor.
I love my sense of adventurousness.
I love my intuition.
I love the way I laugh.
I love the way I see things.
I love connecting with people.
I love the way I do my job.
I love to feel good.
I love my art.
I love to be around beautiful things.
I love my cooking.
I love what I write.
I love to work with my hands.
I love to plant new things.

Feed the list everyday with more and more things that you love about yourself. Your Spirit will shine and let the Universe know that you are ready to manifest more and more of all that you love. You are a divine, magnetic being and you will attract the situations and people that match your consciousness. You need not go in search as everything will come to you. Know that you are a beautiful creator and what you hold in your consciousness, you will create.

~ Excerpt from Twelve Steps to Inner Peace 
Copyright © 2012 Premlatha Rajkumar, Sheryl Lynn Christian

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