Friday 8 March 2013


TODAY'S LIFE LESSON: has us allowing our hearts to melt away any stress or strain we may have been holding onto for whatever reason. The only way our heart can fully balance and align to our daily environment is when it is relaxed and at peace with what is taking place.

As the snow is melting in the northern hemisphere, so is the logical energies of our technical minds. We are now able to consi...der the possibility that we do not need to KNOW everything about life but can simply show up and participate to the best of our ability in each moment.

The merging of the energy between the heart centre and the mind centre allow the full development of our life journey to become clearer and easier to follow. The melting of rigid thoughts, and the softening of a hardened heart can bring together the ultimate flow of source energy as the river of creation forms a wider band of potential for us to enter into.

MIND= the logical centre of our soul processing
MELT= a softening of our heart centre heals the hurt
MERGE= a blending together of head, heart, healing
MANIFEST= the results of what we think and feel about ourselves and the world we live in
Donna Hamilton

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