Monday 29 April 2013

Dewdrops — How better wash away world’s dust?   


The experience of truth is just washing away the dust that goes on gathering on your mirror-like consciousness.

Basho says:
Dewdrops —
How better wash away
world’s dust?

The dewdrops may be small but they can cleanse your inner eye, your mirror, which has gathered so much dust. And that dust has to be cleared.

Only then can you see the depth in things, the life in things; a world full of love, a world full of blessings, a world that could be a dancing place but has been turned by stupid politicians into a battlefield.

When more people become buddhas — they are already buddhas — when more people remember their being buddhas, this world will have a totally different aroma, a totally different fragrance, a totally different ecstasy.

Right now, what we have done, we have made the world a tragedy. Each step we are moving further into tragedy, and at the end of the tunnel is death.

Osho: Kyozan: A True Man of Zen

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