Monday 18 February 2013


Why do people gossip? What must be the reason behind it? Why do they go on biting each other's backs? This is the way of cunningness. They are not sincere people, they are not authentic people. They don't say what they want to say to you, but they have to say it; otherwise they will remain burdened with it. Hence gossiping. They can't say the truth to your face, they have to say it behind your back. And they say it with a vengeance, naturally.
They have to repress themselves in front of you, they have to smile and show a false face; and they feel that they are being insincere, they feel they are being ugly, they feel that they are being cowardly. They will take revenge. And this is their way of taking revenge: they will gossip about you, they will say things about you, they will invent things about you. And they will invent things about themselves too; what they are not, they will pretend to be. They will magnify your faults and they will magnify their glories.
Sokolow, aged seventy-five, rushed into a doctor's office. "You gotta give me a shot so I can be young again," he pleaded. "I got a date with a young chicken tonight!"
"Just a minute," said the physician. "You are seventy-five years old. There is nothing I can do for you."
"But Doctor," exclaimed the old man, "my friend, Rosen, is eighty-five, and he says he has sex three times a week!"
"Alright," advised the doctor, "so you say it too!"
What you cannot do, you can at least say you do. Who is preventing you from saying it?

Osho, Dhammapada

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