Sunday 17 February 2013

Are you in present?

Osho – You are daydreaming about the future because you have not tasted the present. Start tasting the present. Find out a few moments where you are simply delighting. Looking at the trees, just be the look. Listening to the birds, just be a listening ear. Let them reach to your deepest core. Let their song spread all over your being.
Sitting by the side of the beach, just listen to the wild roar of the waves, become one with it… because that wild roar of the waves has no past, no future. If you can tune yourself with it, you will also become a wild roar. Hug a tree and relax into it. Feel its green shape rushing into your being. Lie down on the sand, forget the world, commune with the sand, the coolness of it; feel the coolness saturating you. Go to the river, swim, and let the river swim within you. Splash around, and become the splashing.
Do whatsoever you feel you enjoy, and enjoy it totally. In those few moments, the past and future will disappear and you will be herenow. And those moments will bring the first good news, the first gospel of god. The gospel is not in the Bible. The gospel is in the rivers and in the wild roar of the ocean and in the silence of the stars. The good news is written all over. The whole universe is a message. Decode it. Learn its language. Its language is that of herenow.
Your language is that of past and future. So if you go on speaking the language of the mind, you will never be in tune, in harmony with existence. And if that harmony is not tasted, how can you stop daydreaming? — because that is what your life is. It is as if a poor man is carrying a bag of ordinary stones, thinking that they are great diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and if you say to him, ‘Drop these. You are a fool. These are just ordinary stones,’ he cannot believe you. He will think you are tricking him. He will cling to it, because that’s all he has.
I will not say to that man to renounce his bag. I will try to show him real rubies, emeralds, diamonds. Just a glimpse of them and he will throw the bag. Not even that he will renounce it — because there is nothing to renounce; it is just ordinary stones. You don’t renounce ordinary stones.
He will simply become aware that he was living under an illusion. Now there are real diamonds. Suddenly his own stones fade, they disappear. And he will simply empty his bag immediately without your telling him, because now he has something else to put in the bag. He will need the bag, the space.
So I don’t say to you, drop going into the future, drop going into the past. Rather, I would like to say to you, make more contacts with the present. When present arises with its grandeur, its beauty, everything pales down. Renunciation follows awareness like a shadow.

Source – Osho Book “Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 2″

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