Monday 11 February 2013

I KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN SEARCH OF BLISS, but how can you find bliss by searching for it? Bliss is available to those who distribute bliss, to those who spread bliss around. If you wish for bliss then give bliss. Do not desire; give. Only by giving will it come to you; only by sharing will it shower on you. God’s ways are strange. Do not stand at the threshold of bliss like a beggar; go there like an emperor. Haven’t you noticed that all doors are closed to a beggar. And who is a beggar anyway? A beggar is a man who begs, who pleads, who supplicates. And who is an emperor? An emperor is a man who gives. So I urge you – give, give, give. Give with no strings attached. Then you will see that what you have given is returned to you a thousand times over. Everything comes back to you. Your only asset is the echo of your own liberal gift. Do you ever recall receiving anything without having given something first?


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